Saturday, September 13, 2008

Suzuki Kizashi, maybe with hybrid powertrain

The trio of Suzuki Kizashi concepts we've seen over the past year or so are signposts as the Japanese automaker develops a new sedan--which will likely bow for the 2010 model year.

We've seen some shots of Kizashi prototypes being road-tested. But there is a twist to this latest look at the car.

The engineers running these Kizahsi prototypes also brought along a Nissan Altima hybrid and Toyota Camry hybrid on this road trip. And they were not any more interested in letting us see the competitive benchmarks as their own prototypes.

This is the first we've heard about Suzuki planning a hybrid powertrain for the Kizashi--but given fuel prices and the competition, we would be surprised if there was any automaker that wasn't thinking about some type of hybrid for the future.
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