Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hyundai Motor America design chief Piaskowski resigns

The Genesis Coupe isn't even out yet and the primary pen behind it is leaving the company. Joel Piaskowski, Hyundai Motor America's chief designer since 2003, is walking out the door.

Besides his work on the upcoming Genesis Coupe, Piaskowski is also known as being the driving force behind Hyundai's HCD concepts like the Hellion (above), and has been credited with beginning to develop a consistent design language among the automaker's vehicles.

For an interesting interview on car design featuring Piaskowski, General Motors' Ed Welburn, Franz von Holzhausen (formerly of Mazda, now with Tesla), and the New York Times' Phil Patton, check out this video on the Charlie Rose show by clicking here.

Piaskowski's tenure ends at the end of this month, and there is no word yet on where he is expected to end up.
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