Sunday, July 15, 2012

Keselowski On Supplement Use: "Man Up And Drive."

Brad Keselowski commented this weekend on the controversy surrounding his Penske Racing teammate, AJ Allmendinger, who was suspended temporarily by NASCAR July 7 after failing a random drug test. 

Brad Keselowski
Responding to ongoing conjecture over the specifics of Allmendinger’s failed test, Keselowski said he believes NASCAR drivers and crew members should adopt a strict, hands-off policy when it comes to the use of unregulated supplements and energy drinks. 

“I want to believe that any performer or athlete… would not be dumb enough to take a drug that is against the law,” said Keselowski. “It just stands to reason that if you’ve made it this far in the sport, you’ve had the knowledge to not do anything that dumb. I hope it was something simple (in Allmendinger’s case)… a stimulant or whatever. If that’s the case, it does make a difference (what the substance was).  

“It’s my personal belief that nothing should be allowed,” said Keselowski. “Nothing. I don’t feel like you should be able to take Flintstones (vitamins). My own personal code… is to take nothing at all. When you go in that room to have a drug test taken, I’ve never taken drugs in my life… and I’m still scared because you know that if something goes wrong, it’s a death sentence for your career. It’s over. 

“You know it’s in human hands and by the very nature of it being in human hands, there is potential for error,” he said. “The course of history shows that humans make mistakes, even when they check, check and recheck. That’s why airplanes crash. There are plenty of redundancies in the airlines and they still find a way to crash.” 

While acknowledging that he is likely alone among NASCAR drivers in his view, Keselowski said, “It would be my preference that you (are) allowed to take nothing; that it is your job to… go out there and perform through the pain or whatever ails you. But obviously, that’s not the situation. Until we get together as a group or as a society and make that a position, there’s always going to be this gray area where we’re asking ourselves what supplement is right and what’s not.  

The Penske Racing driver said he is unwilling to stake his career on the legality of an unregulated supplement, adding, “I laugh out loud when people say, ‘Well I have my supplements checked,’ like there’s some special list of supplements that are okay.  

“What kind of world is that?” he asked. “That’s terrible. Nothing should be allowed. I don’t think there needs to be any committee that approves drugs or supplements. You should just man up and drive the damn race car."    

Photo Credit: ASP/Cal Sport Media
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