Thursday, July 19, 2012

McCollum: " Taxpayer-funded Race Cars... More Important Than Deficit Reduction"

Rep. McCollum is displeased
Minnesota Congresswoman Betty McCollum has commented on yesterday’s vote to defeat an amendment authored by she and Georgia Republican Jack Kingston that would have prohibited the United States military from sponsoring NASCAR teams or events. 

“This vote was an important test for Republicans and Democrats as to whether they have the stomach to cut wasteful Pentagon spending at a time when Washington is facing trillion dollar deficits.," said McCollum in a written media release. "Unfortunately, a majority decided taxpayer-funded race cars and bass fishing were more important than deficit reduction.

"The good news is a broad bipartisan group of 202 conservatives, moderates, and progressives came together for the good of our children’s fiscal future," said McCollum. "My colleague, Rep. Jack Kingston, has been a terrific partner on this issue, and I think together we’ve demonstrated that first and foremost we are legislators working for the best interest of the American people.”
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