Friday, February 15, 2013

Performance test at Alpine Ski World Championships: Winter services specialists in Schladming turn to Unimog for smooth logistics support

The Alpine Ski World Championships is a major international sporting event which is taking place from 4 - 17 February 2013 in Schladming (Steiermark), and this year features as its slogan "Ski Festival with a Heart - for our Environment". The infrastructure and logistics required to ensure the smooth running of the sporting competition and accompanying events, as well as the effective management of the flows of spectators, are therefore of the utmost importance. To achieve the objective of ensuring that the Ski World Championships remain sustainable, the task of providing winter services for clearing snow from the roads, parking spaces and pavements therefore not only forms the basis for all of the necessary logistics, but also represents an essential element for the safety of all visitors.

The contract for this work has been awarded to a local company which specialises in winter services and is also a longstanding Unimog customer: Karl Pitzer based in Schladming. Stepping in to do battle against the white matter which has already fallen in Schladming in the run-up to the World Championships - or which is yet to fall over subsequent days - are no less than 75 staff and five additional Mercedes-Benz Unimog. To prepare them for their important task during the 14-day Ski World Championships, the staff at Pitzer underwent several days of training in deploying the vehicles and equipment, and also received intensive training from Unimog service experts to ensure optimum use of existing technical capabilities. The vehicles are fitted with snowploughs, gritters and snow cutters from Austrian municipal services technology specialists Springer, as well as RUD snow chains. And fully in keeping with the official slogan of the event, the Unimog models are of course fitted as standard with environmentally friendly Mercedes-Benz engines meeting the Euro 5 emission standard.

The Mercedes-Benz Unimog has enjoyed an excellent reputation in Austria for a number of decades and also boasts a long tradition in the country. Currently around 10,000 vehicles are deployed throughout the Alpine republic. They have proven themselves to be highly effective for operations carried out by munipical authorities, contractors, highways departments and industry, and also the Austrian army which deploys the vehicles with demountable platforms and bodies for a wide variety of transport applications. An essential contributing factor to what is today an extremely wide spectrum of application in the Alpine republic is the successful marketing of the Mercedes-Benz Unimog by the Pappas Group, combined with the very extensive sales network which it boasts throughout the country's public and private industry and business sectors.

Credits: Daimler AG

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